


Resource TypePosted On
find the number of working days (monday to firday) between two giveNov 15
Addition of two numbersDec 13
how to generate a rondom number btween two rangesOct 04
Change every second column to a negative numberAug 26
ideal prolog programJul 14
Simple prolog program to be solved :)May 03
Prolog GameMay 07
Java and prologMar 20
Prova (from Prolog+Java)Jun 17
Converting a "Stringed" Number to a NumberJan 16
Converting a "Stringed" Number to a NumberJan 11
add a second hard driveDec 20
VBA code to add values in two cells which have formulasFeb 22
How to Add two ArrayJun 04
type casting /converting seconds to a days hours minutes seconds Jan 18
problem of converting a number into words using doubleNov 21
Problem with random number in javaFeb 21
prime number problemDec 28
Adding a Worksheet_Event when adding a worksheet via VBAMar 21
Problem when adding an Userform by code?Nov 03
ADD Array ProblemJul 03
generating random numbersMar 01
Pocket PC 2002 PDA to dail a phone numberFeb 12
Number FormatOct 04
How to truncate a floating number?Jul 30
Fibonacci and Prime numbersApr 18
convert from number (0-255) to characterApr 12
How to access the Phone Number from the J2ME ApplicationMay 03
Formating the NumberJun 28
julian day numberAug 05
changing the port number on JBOSSJan 08
get the number of JList which is created by arrayOct 22
Jbuilder Serial numberJun 19
Error preallocating sequence numbers. The sequence table informationAug 20
Datagrid Display - right align numbersNov 24
Getting the time for the Number of records retrivedFeb 06
Math function to determine if a number is an intAug 03
Number fields in Excel being considered NULL (empty)May 12
how to sum the even numbers onlyOct 16
Is it possible to have limited number of rows and columns in a sheetJan 28
Max number of sheets in workbook?Oct 31
Get Column by numberJan 28
I would like to fax directly from a fax number in a cellAug 31
Delete everything in a workbook that is a numberMar 06
Number crunchingJan 30
Summing on varying number of rows in Excel using VBAJan 07
converting numbers into words using doubleSep 23
Converting numbers to wordsMay 06
Formatting a NumberJan 27