Please Help me with this:
Create a Text Adventure Game in Prolog!
Type “Text adventure games” into Google and play a few of these online games. These games are
text based, have a storyline connected to it, and requires the player to reach a certain goal using
simple commands.
Your Prolog game can then be controlled using simple commands such as:
? enter(building)
? inventory
? move(left)
? pick_up(keys)
? open(door)
? look
? etc.
The player should:
- be able to look around. This should list the available items found in the current location.
- Be able to check what items he has in his inventory. This lists all the items collected by the
- Only be able to travel a sensible route. Cannot jump between two different rooms which
aren’t even connected.
- Be required to collect items in order to progress in the game. This may be keys used to
unlock a door to a different world/room, require a candle to move through a dark
room/forest etc.