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Viewing I.E. websites

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 476

is there a way to view websites that are only intended for I.E.
5.0+ or Netscape Navigator 7.0+ in Firefox. I did find a reference to
using IETab but Firefox website says it is not for Linux. Thanks.



10 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 27    

I havent seen one of those in a very long time but, if you must, you could
install IE on Ubuntu. I have 5.5 and 6.0 installed.


Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 27    

but it it requires cabextract and Wine
to be installed which I did not really want to do, I wonder if there
is another way?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 27    
Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 27    

unfortunately it is also meant for windows
mainly, and for use on Linux within Wine again.

I really don't want to install Wine, I know it's not a large install
but I know it will tempt me to use other windows software, I don't
want to do that as in the last 4 months I've got the whole family off
microsoft and they are coping well, I don't want them to feel they
might need to go back. We now don't have any pc's with MS on now that
can go on the internet.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 27    

What IE web site are you looking to load up. All so have you tried Opera and see
if that works too.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 27    

You can try Crossover and checkout the available software one is I.E.
6.0 install that and it runs just like it would on Windows as it uses
Wine which has been mentioned there is a cost $39.95 for the Linux
Version but if you also have a Mac it can be used with that as well
and make Windows software work on Linux or Mac but they don't give a
one year subscription and that bothered me, but how is development
covered. It works flawlessly and its kewl to see E.I running on Linux.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 27    

I wish that "The Gods of Reverse Engineering" would get it through their
thick skulls that wine is not a good fix for anything and create an IE
clone for Linux.

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 27    

it's only a no smoking website for the wife,
The website works ok until logging in then it say's:-

This web site currently supports the following web browsers:
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 running on Microsoft Windows
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 running on Microsoft Windows
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 running on Microsoft Windows
· Netscape Navigator 7.1 running on either Microsoft Windows or Mac

To find out which version of Netscape Navigator you are using:
· Click Help on the menu bar at the top, and select About Netscape or
About Navigator. A local web page will be displayed containing version

To find out which version of Internet Explorer you are using:
· Click Help on the menu bar at the top, and select About Internet
Explorer. A window will pop up containing version information.

If you are using a different web browser, you may experience problems
accessing the web site. To change your web browser, go to one of the
following web sites:
· Microsoft Internet Explorer
· Netscape Navigator

For further assistance please contact your network administrator.

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 27    

So, are you having problems or just getting the warnings?

I've been using Unbuntu with what appears to be Firefox and have not
had a problem on any site.

What I do have a problem with is IE 7.0. If I open and close 7 or 8
tabs, the thing crashes under XP. Firefox does not have this problem.
Now that I am looking to go to Linux, I have even less desire to run
IE. Personally, I prefer the Firefox interface.

Let us know how Opera works out for you.

Answer #10    Answered On: Dec 27    

It just opened fine on my Firefox 2 and changed pages.

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