This new one is extremely reluctant to return any data using the
QueryTables method; and I have had no success with the SendKeys method
suggested by David G. In the words of another poster on another forum
I read during my seemingly endless Google search: "SendKeys is the
work of the Devil and should be avoided at all costs". I have thrown
time delays and AppActivates into the mix (I use Mozilla Firefox--that
may be a problem with the AppActivate). . .no data ends up on my
Anyway, I surrender--I have been bested by this problem; and now
I am requesting specific code to handle this, if anyone can (and is
willing) to do it--I'm sure it can be done--I just haven't hit the
magic combination. and now I'm reduced to begging, groveling if you
will . . .(no pride at all) . . .:(
Application.Workbooks("MLBgeneralpractice.xls") _
Copy ENTIRE Source page onto Destination sheet OR Copy just the data
onto Destination sheet. Either option is fine.