I dont know if you are one of the "help me get a triangle output" guys...
if not i dont think my comment regards you. ;o)
I dont know how university works in other parts of the world, but being a
university student myself in sweden I have seen that there is a lot of
tutoring going on... and that this rather than the lecture is what will
teach us programming...
Programming is that kind of subject that (like for instance mathematics)
wont go in undless you write code-write code-write code... hehehe...
Well, so when i see people comming here asking how to print out a triangle
i can only assume they (and their college?) are in deep deep trouble...
ehhh... okay maybe harsh but... we cannot be the instructors for a
university... maybe we should start a java-uni list on here and send all
triangles there? (and maybe with some persuasion we may get the uni
instructors to join it as well? ;o)
But surely, you people with the triangles... don't you have tutoring?