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Steps for Making JDBC connection

  Date: Nov 24    Category: Java    Views: 480

This is a very simple Example . it will get you started .. you have to do the rest by
reading books.

Steps for Making JDBC connection :

These steps are quite similar to ASP's . As in ASPs you have to follow the
same routine


1. Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");

// Here you are telling that what are the kind of drivers that are going to
be used

2. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:jobz");

// Here you are telling the DSN name of the DB that will tell the location
of DB .. jobz is the DSN name

3. Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

// Here you are creating an instance of Statement through which you will
execute Queries

4. ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from jobs");

// In ASP's the word recordset is used and in JSP it is ResultSet . Now you
can use methods of resultset to move pointer ahead or back.

Java Gives 2 methods to execute Queries.

Select query ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("query");
now you can move rs by using .. rs.next() method .
Insert / delete / Update int c = stmt.executeUpdate("query");
where c is the number of rows effected

for more details i am sending you a Java Bean that makes connection to a DB
. This can help you explain more . If you have any queries then plz send
them again . I would really appreciate if some of the guyz from this group
will also participate in solving problems .



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