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Spring 1.1 Final Released

  Asked By: Emily    Date: Jan 12    Category: Java    Views: 939

Spring 1.1 final has just been released. Since 1.1 RC2, some API clarifications have happened and a number of bugs have been fixed. There is also a variety of minor new features:


* reworked BeanWrapperImpl's property-specific custom editor handling to allow registration for uninitialized subpaths

* added "applyBeanPropertyValues" method to AutowireCapableBeanFactory, for populating an existing bean instance

* added "(abstract)" marker for properties bean definitions respectively "abstract" attribute for XML bean definitions


* added support for SqlReturnType interface which allows to return custom types from stored procedures

* added auto-conversion of java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar to java.sql.Date/Time/Timestamp for JDBC parameters

* added support for WebSphere 4 to WebSphereNativeJdbcExtractor, autodetecting WebSphere 5 and 4 now

* added WebLogicServerTransactionManagerFactoryBean, to be used with WebLogicJtaTransactionManager on WebLogic 7.0

* added support for direct JTA synchronization to AbstractLobType, as alternative to Spring transaction synchronization

* added "flush" method to HibernateOperations/HibernateTemplate and JdoOperations/JdoTemplate, for eager flushing

* added "getReportQueryIteratorByQuery" method to OJB PersistenceBrokerOperations and PersistenceBrokerTemplate

* deprecated AbstractJndiLocator base class in favor of new JndiObjectLocator base class with explicit "lookup" method

* added JndiObjectTargetSource which performs a fresh JNDI lookup for each call, allowing for hot redeployment in JNDI

* added "cache" flag to JndiDestinationResolver, to allow for turning off the caching of Destination objects from JNDI

* added support for ObjectMessage to SimpleMessageConverter, converting between Serializable objects and ObjectMessages

* added RemoteConnectFailureException and RemoteLookupFailureException as RemoteAccessException subclasses

* added JndiRmiServiceExporter, JndiRmiClientInterceptor, JndiRmiProxyFactoryBean (for RMI-IIOP resp. CORBA)

* added "lookupStubOnStartup", "cacheStub" and "refreshStubOnConnectFailure" flags to RmiClientInterceptor

* added "lookupHomeOnStartup" and "refreshHomeOnConnectFailure" flags to AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor

* added "createMimeMessage(InputStream)" method to JavaMailSender, building a MimeMessage from raw MIME content

* MimeMessageHelper creates "multipart/related" now, to make mails with inline images compatible with Outlook Express

* added "validateAddresses" property to MimeMessageHelper (off by default), delegating to JavaMail 1.3's "validate"

* added "http10Compatible" flag to RedirectView, to be turned off for sending HTTP 1.1 status code 303 rather than 302

* added "buildPdfMetadata" callback to AbstractPdfView, for adding meta fields like author to the iText PDF Document

* added LookupDispatchActionSupport class to Struts support, analogous to ActionSupport but for LookupDispatchActions

As usual, see the changelog for details. Note that the 1.1 code base contains minor changes in various SPIs which are not backwards-compatible. The API as typically used in applications is as close to 100% compatible as possible, though.



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