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Sort macro to display on a different sheet

  Asked By: Howard    Date: Nov 14    Category: MS Office    Views: 1549

How can I create an excel macro that sorts a range in one worksheet
from a button in another worksheet within the same workbook?

Is this the advisable method?

I have a range of cells in Sheet 1 that I want sorted & displayed in
Sheet 4.

The sort parameters are:

Column D sorted in desceding order
Column E sorted in descending order



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Alice Hughes     Answered On: Nov 14

You should be able to generate the code for this using the macro
recorder. Start recording, then:

1. Go to the source sheet  and select A1
2. From the Edit menu, choose goto - special - current region
3. CTRL+c to copy to clipboard
4. Go to the destination sheet and select A1
5. CTRL+v to paste
6. Now sort  as you wish

Now stop the macro  recorder and you should have a macro which does what
you want.

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