i have a problem with a Lab i am doing.In the lab i am required to
read information from a interface and then display it. well the
problem is that when a client makes a transaction, lets say decides to
withdrawal money for a Account type - Cheque they are charged a small
bank fee.
i manage to get it working but, when i enter an amount of say $10
which is the balance, then withdrawal $9.80 i should also be charged a
$0.10 fee but instead i seem to get some funny figures.
here is the code.i've also put the Cheque class along with what i have
in the interface.
//here is the cheque class
public class Cheque extends Account {
//could have a private string for withdrawal so check that will need
//i could put it in the transaction class
// constructor that'll initialise n set parameters
Cheque () { }
//constructor that will use the super class
Cheque(String aType, String aNo, double aBal, double aRate ){
super(aType, aNo, aBal, aRate);
//should i have this for the set the interest rate to 2%
//public void setIntRate(double a) {
public void perfTranx(double a) {
double b = getBalance();
if (getBalance() < 0.0) {
double x = b - 0.10;
} // get equal what it was double then add it and then - 10c
} // end of constructor initialise n set parameters
//here is the interface code bit
if (obj == btnAddData) {
if (! txtClientNo.getText().equals("")) {
Clt = new Client(txtClientNo.getText(), txtFirstname.getText(),
txtSurname.getText(), txtClientAge.getText());
if (accountType.getSelectedCheckbox().getLabel().equals("Cheque
Account")) {
double InterestRate = Double.parseDouble(txtInterestRate.getText());
double AccountBalance =
Acc = new Cheque(promptAccType.getText(),txtAccountNo.getText(),
AccountBalance, InterestRate);
System.out.println("\nNew Cheque created");
//to check that this is wrkn the if cheque bit
} else if (accountType.getSelectedCheckbox().getLabel().equals("EFT
Account")) {
double InterestRate = Double.parseDouble(txtInterestRate.getText());
double AccountBalance =
Acc = new EFTCard(promptAccType.getText(),txtAccountNo.getText(),
AccountBalance, InterestRate);
System.out.println("\nNew Cheque created");
//to check that this is wrkn the if eft is clikd bit
} // THIS closes the if statement of the if equals bit
Brh = new Branch
} else {
// no client number
} // end of if for btnAddData
* if new transaction button is clicked then *
* then do the bits required to *
* read data from text fields and set the transaction object val *
* *
if ( obj == btnNewTranx) {
if (!txtTranxAmount.getText().equals("")) {
double TrnAmt = Double.parseDouble(txtTranxAmount.getText());
if (Acc instanceof Cheque) {
Cheq.setBalance(Cheq.getBalance() + TrnAmt );
} else if (Acc instanceof Cheque) {
Eft.setBalance(Cheq.getBalance() + TrnAmt );
} //end of the if it was eftcard
} //this will close the transaction bit if the client does enter an
* if display button is clicked then *
* display values from text fields and text area *
* *
if (obj == btnDisplay) {
results.setText(" First Name: " + Clt.getFirstName());
results.append("\n Surname: " + Clt.getSurname());
results.append("\n Customer Number: " + Clt.getClientNo());
results.append("\n Customer Age: " + Clt.getAge());
if (Acc instanceof Cheque) {
Cheq = (Cheque) Acc;
results.append("\n \n Account Type: " + Cheq.getAccType());
results.append("\n Account Number: " + Cheq.getAccNo());
results.append("\n Account Balance: " + Cheq.getBalance());
results.append("\n Account Interest Rate: " + Cheq.getIntRate());
results.append("\n Branch Name: " + Brh.getBranchName() + " " +
} else {
Eft = (EFTCard) Acc;
results.append("\n \n Account Type: " + Eft.getAccType());
results.append("\n Account Number: " + Eft.getAccNo());
results.append("\n Account Balance: " + Eft.getBalance());
results.append("\n Account Interest Rate: " + Eft.getIntRate());
results.append("\n Branch Name: " + Brh.getBranchName() + " " +
}//end of if for displaying the correct Acc type
} // end of if for btnDisplay
* if clear button is clicked then *
* clear values from text fields and text area *
* reset other form components to default values *
if (obj == btnClear) {
} // end of if for clear button
} //end of actionPerformed method