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Problems with Ubuntu 9.10

  Date: Dec 02    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 445

I have had to do a clean reinstal twice now after running for about a week or so
the operating system fails to load to the desktop,it gets to the point where the
cursur is flashing on the blank screen the desktop trys to load[you can see a
flash of colour],then the curser disappears and im left with a black screen.Can
someone please advise on what may be going on here? I have updated the os,as and
when updates have become available.I have also installed the Nvidia Drivers
[Nvidia Geforce 5000 series card installed on a gigabyte amd socket 462
motherboard with 2gb of Ram and an Athlon 2000 cpu. I havent installed any other
Finally when I have tried to instal another copy of Ubuntu 9.10 using the
Desktop Edition of Canonical CD, I am finding that I cannot instal using the
whole of my hard disc[I have no other os installed] as I get a message after
carrying out the fresh instal and removing the cd and rebootingI get an error
massage saying that the os cant be found? However when I manually instal the
partitions the os loads ok! Is there any reason for this to happen?
Finally I have Mint Isadora and Lubuntu 10.04 dual booting on another PC with a
later SATA AMD motherboard with DDR2 memory and an AMD 64 dual core processor
and ATI PCIe Graphics card, so far havent had any problems or crashes.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 02    

Sounds like a bad image/burn to me. Have you tried burning a fresh cd, and
checking the md5sum of the iso and CD?

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 02    

The cd is one received from canonical not downloaded off the web and
I have checked it and it comes up as ok.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 02    

The obvious questions is why are you installing 9.10 and not the latest
version. Ubuntu 9.10 was a bad release for many people. Graphics and sound
problems were the chief culprits. Ubuntu 10.04 is free. All it costs is the
time to download it. You don't even need to burn a CD if you have a usb key
and your computer can boot from usb (most newer ones can).

It is your choice, but why install a six month old problematic release when
you have a new LTS release?

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 02    

Yes that makes sense as long as its stable as I did try the 10.04 beta
version and it wasn't very stable and I had lots of crashes.However I guess
its probably time to dip my toe in and have a splash around.

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