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Problem with open office

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 393

I use open office on Win Xp (got from try ubuntu CD),
but I am disappointed that I am not able to change the
text and highlighter color. I dont know why is it so.

Any way its not bad for a free office suite.

Does any face such similar problem? Any remedial



11 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

What do you mean you cant change the text and highlighter color?
I use different texts all the time.
Please explain further.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 07    

For those who thought of answering this question, many
thanks. After repairing (re installing) open office,
the problem was fixed.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 07    

That is good, that usually works to reinstall.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 07    

I have run into a problem. My Open office writer on Kubuntu wouldn't
just work. When ever I launch it, it says an document called Untitled1
has crash. When I press the recovery button the same crash recovery
screen would appear again and again.

I have removed Writer and re-installed it again but nothing works.
Does any 1 have a solution?

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 07    

What version of Ubie you are using and what version of OO suite are you using.
Are you using writer or Word Processor? Did you try to skip recovery?

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 07    

I am using Kubuntu 7.04, OO 2.2 not 2.2.1, still using OO that had
came prepackaged with Fiesty. In linux the open office is word
processor and in windows its writer I think!(well I am not that sure
of writer or processor).

I could be using portableapps its free but ...... is it FOSS ? I am
strong advocate of GNU and against piracy. But any way i'll try and
check out weather Kubuntu has registry or not.

I will also try sudo apt-get clean, i think thats the best option.

Answer #7    Answered On: Jan 07    

Have you tried completely removing it (and everything associated with
it)? That clears out all the configuration, so it may help. Also, you
may want to find where it's installed and remove anything that's in
there after you've removed it, just to be sure. I'd then redownload it
(try running sudo apt-get clean before you do this, it'll make sure you
don't have it's installation files sitting around anywhere) and
reinstall it. That should give you a fresh install of it.

Answer #8    Answered On: Jan 07    

You could try running a portableapps version which has no impact on the
registry. Most of my software is portableapps which has the advantage
that one can just delete without an uninstall which tends to leave
stuff. Take a look at www.portableapps.com

Answer #9    Answered On: Jan 07    

Are you sure you have the OS's right? Kubuntu doesn't have a registry,
and PortableApps won't run natively on it. And, if one is going to go
the route of juryrigging the system to run the windows version instead,
they might as well install the full version of it.

Answer #10    Answered On: Jan 07    

sorry think i've got it wrong. I thought portableapps could be
run from a memstick on Linux - so i'm wrong apologies for that. It is a
full version with mods to stop writing to the registry. I do have a
limited requirement for running apps from a memstick but i find it most
convenient for using two machines (home and work), and having all my
settings for FireFox and OO for whatever machine i'm using. When it
comes to updating life is so easy, one just copies settings, deletes old
version and install new. I am only starting to get into Linux but still
use windoze for most things at present.

Just for a taster he's a list of a poster's portableapps. Maybe they can
be run through wine.

Answer #11    Answered On: Jan 07    

you may have missed that PA will only run on Windows
versions and in prctice not all of those. It was a good idea to make the
provision but it does not transport to linux bistros.

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