Is what you described: "ActiveSheet. Paste" accurate?
If it is, then the problem is with the "space" before the "Paste"
It should read "ActiveSheet.Paste". (no spaces)
Now, to carry your question further:
Is it your intent to have the excel file Opened every 1/2 hour to do this
If so, as I mentioned in my previous response, it will be VERY distracting for
user sitting at the computer where this job is running.
My earlier comments were inquiring whether having a VBScript job run every 1/2
hour and update a .dat file. Then, when a user launches your application, it
go out and retrieve the latest data from the file.
this would work, unless you're doing quite a bit more than just copy/pasting
into an Excel file.
I guess I shouldn't try to re-engineer your process, and just help by answering
the question
so.. if the above mentioned "space" is not the problem, I'll need more of the
code and the
exact wording of the error to be able to address your problem.