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problem using LibreOffice Writer

  Date: Feb 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 624

I use Libre Office Writer as my word processor & really haven't had
much in the way of problems or annoyances.
However, as I am Secretary of my Odd Fellow Lodge, I at times need
to write up lists of various sorts, and really do not want any
pre-programmed 'wizard' or what have you deciding how things are arranged.
As it is the 'numbers & bullets' function is constantly changing
whatever I attempt to do to some arrangement I absolutely do not want.
Please; does some one know how that can be (preferably) permanently
shut off or disabled? I think I've gone through just about all the menus
& settings and can not figure it out.
As an example, earlier today I had to make up a listing of my
lodge's members with columns for surname, first & middle name, office
held, home (mail) address, phone #, & e-mail. Columns are no problem.
But then, I want the list numbered --- well, wherever that particular
'gremlin' hides within the program, I would real like to have him
evicted, as it were.
If I missed a member and had to go back and add them in
{alphabetically, by last names} why the added line gets automatically
indented (throwing off all the columns!), and if I can manage to get it
back where I want it, seemingly nearly any keystroke is liable to move
it again.............



9 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 07    

Instead of using bulleted lists, which I agree can be a pain to edit,
try using a table instead. Much more flexible for the sort of thing
you are wanting to do I think

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 07    

I am also the secretary of a club and do the same sort of thing - except
that I use calc rather than writer. My main reason is so let me sort the
list into various different orders - but I also do it to avoid the very
sort of problems that you are describing.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 07    

Or could it be handled in a spreadsheet, but then if surrounding needed
it could be harder.

I agree an embedded table in the document would be easier, and if you needed
to add to it more rows, and columns can be added.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 07    

Sounds to me like you are dealing with a database so my suggestion is to
use Base, LebreOffice's database program?
There is a tutorial on Writer, Calc, Impress, Base, Draw and Math.
This is for Writer. The column on the right list the others.
This may not give you the answers you are looking for. Spending sometime
looking at these tutorials to see what each program does, then spending
time going through the tutorials of the ones you do use, will be time well
Like someone said, Writer is in over its head in maintaining a database.
Like me, not knowing what you don't know, we all go down that path

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 07    

Can you prepare it with the spreadsheet, then paste it to Libre Office when

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 07    

If you're thinking of going down that route, just embed the spreadsheet
directly in the document. Go to Insert > Object > OLE Object and select
the spreadsheet option. It can be a little tricky to get just right and
a table may be a better idea, though.

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 07    

I can appreciate the problem reported by George. I do a lot of
writing and generally use Tables when dealing with Lists and
Groups. However, the Bullets and Indents keep on butting in
when I'm writing normal texts and using paragraphs.

I think I that had turned them off, then next paragraph
I get a new indent. Open Office did not behave like this.

I now have a cure although it has taken a bit of learning.
Am using Lyx for nearly all writing. Reports, letters, memoranda
are very easy and quick.

Answer #8    Answered On: Feb 07    

There is an option to disable the auto numbering/indenting/billeting in
ordered and disordered lists, I think, under tools > autocorrect >
options. Or else format > options > autocorrect. I'm not at my PC to
verify, and probably don't have a recent version, but it should be in one
of those places to do what you want.

Answer #9    Answered On: Feb 07    

Thank you, will have a look & see what can be found there.

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