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Printer driver for Apollo P-2100U

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 479

Can anyone tell me where I can find a driver which is easy to install
for this printer please. I've tried googling and the results I'm
getting just are not working

Please can some one give me simple idiot proof instructions as I'm
getting so frustrated to say the least.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

If you are talking about HP Apollo series. The driver should be there. I have a
old Apollo p-2250 and the driver is there under System>Printers. Make sure your
printer is on and hooked up to your box. Once at the Printers window. Go to
Printer>Add Printer. It should auto detect it. Printer port should say LPT#1.
Then click on the FORWARD button and find the printer under Manufacturer>Apollo.
You'll see P-2100. That is it.
In synaptic you can install
hpijs, hplip, and hplip-data and give some extra cups tools for the hp.
If you want to save some cash on print cartages. You are better off getting a HP
DJ 3940 for less than 30 bucks and works freaken better than the Apollo. The
cartages are not cheap and the reman one are not that cheap either. I came
across that it was cheaper to buy a brand new printer with cartages than buy two
for the Apollo. This is why the Apollo is now collecting dust. Besides you only
can refill them so many times before it prints %100 crap.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 07    

I already tried this.

Yes it lists no end of printers but when you select the nearest match
off the list it then asks "Install Drivers". It appears to be trying
to find a PDD file, I am assuming these are drivers, what ever they
are I've no idea what they are or where to find them. Hence why I'm
asking for help here.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 07    

Well if you cant get them loaded then your are out of luck. It is right there in
7.04 cups listing. Apollo P-2100 is right there in the list. If I a can get a
old Apollo p-2250 running just fine, why can't you? Maybe I do not understand
what is going on with your system or why they are not loading. I do not know why
you are messing around with a printer where the cartages cost more what the
printer is even worth.
FOR one . Do not click on the INSTALL DRIVERS button! Click on Forward button.
Once you click on forward button you get to step 3 and click on apply button and
you are done. See step 1 2 3. When you click on INSTALL DRIVER it looking for a
driver some where els.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 07    

You were spot on. it works if I ignore the Install Drivers button and
just go to the next step!

I wish they would make things a bit less confusing. I mean how many
others have spent ages trying to find the drivers in this way too.

it's all working now. This is the first conversion I've
done to get someone else over to Ubuntu form Windows. maybe I should
rummage around a few other things first before I try convincing
someone else to make the switch too. any way many thanks for you help
and patience

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