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  Date: Feb 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 430

I have a Epson stylus CX4200 printer that I am trying to get to work
in Ubuntu. When I google it I keep getting pages that are in a
different language and the translation gets all messed up. How do I
install this printer to make it work? It is a Epson Stylus CX4200 all
in one printer(printer,scanner,copier).



13 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 08    
Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 08    

I take it you have already tried to let it install?

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 08    

Hey guys thanks for the answers I got it working now. This was definetly a
ID-10T error. It does help if I install a new printer with the printer set
up function under administration. My bad all fixed now though.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 08    

Glad you got it up and running. I have had not trouble with Epson gear
myself. Ubuntu seems to get that driver not trouble. www.epson.com
coemes up with nothing about you version though. Is it a new one?

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 08    

Its fairly new I got it about 6 months ago. I saw it on epsons page a few
days ago when I was at the store getting new ink.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 08    

Oh I see. Yes its on the page as a new edition printer so its driver
will not show in the support driver list as yet.

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 08    

I have a PC on the network with a USB printer attached. Is there a
problem having that printer usable to other systems on the network.
I can print on the USB printer from PC it is attached to but can't see
it on the network and it is supposed to be shared from CUPS.
I am using Ubuntu 8.10.

Answer #8    Answered On: Feb 08    

I don't think anyone has answered you yet (apologies if I've missed
something), so here goes. I'm not an expert, but I've had some success in
the last year and a bit. My background included teaching Unix, but that was
SCO Unix many years ago and Ubuntu is a whole new situation. In most ways
far superior and easier.

Remote printing shouldn't be a problem, but setup of SMB (Windows) printers
can be a bit tricky. I assume that you have that printer shared in Windows
and is seen by other Windows machines.

In Ubuntu 8.04, which is all I have installed at the moment, I go to System,
Administration, Printing, then in the Printing Administration box click on
New Printer. After a brief search, which probably finds nothing, I click on
Windows Printer via Samba. I find I have to use the IP address of the
printer hosting computer, the shared name of the printer and the login
information to get it to work. You may not have to use all of this, but this
always works for me. You have to get a "This print share is accessible"
message when you click on Verify. You should look at the Server setting menu

Clicking Forward takes you to a choice of the manufacturer's name and then
the model of your printer. If you don't find the exact model listed you will
have to go to a lot more trouble to get it working. Print a test page and
your done.

I've been lucky in that my HP Laserjet 1018 and my Canon Colour Pixma MP150
are both in the list. If your printer is not there it would be much easier
to buy a new printer that is supported. Check on
http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting to find one that is

Some things come easily, some are almost impossible without (too) much
blood, sweat and tears. I prefer to go the easy route!

Answer #9    Answered On: Feb 08    

Here's a web site which helped me with printer sharing using CUPS.


You need to have a static ip address.

What blew me away is how you can use your web browser to manage your
printers for example:

Change the ip address to yours.

Answer #10    Answered On: Feb 08    

I have an HP printer - Officejet 6210 all In One printer. I use ubuntu 11.10. I
went to Hp's site to download drivers for it. I clicked on Linux when prompted
on the operating system and then clicked "next". It took me to the same page
at least 5 different times. How can I get a driver for this printer?

Answer #11    Answered On: Feb 08    

You probably just needed to scroll down a bit after apparently
returning to the same page, where you will eventually be directed to

Answer #12    Answered On: Feb 08    

To install my network printer in 11.10, I ran "Printers," selected "add,"
pointed at the network, waited a few seconds and selected my printer. At no time
did I go to the Brother site to find a driver.

(The above is off the top of my head and by memory, so it might be a little
inaccurate, but you can get the gist of it: Start with "Printers," not your

Answer #13    Answered On: Feb 08    

I'd suggest that this all ties in with the 'slow computer' thread and
you need to get the internet speed issue sorted then update Ubuntu
fully. HP printers are very well supported in Ubuntu and what usually
happens is that you get prompted to install HP Toolbox when first
plugged in - but that needs a reliable internet connection as well as
a fully updated Ubuntu !

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