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Print only worksheets that have been altered

  Asked By: Robert    Date: Nov 22    Category: MS Office    Views: 864

I have a multisheet workbook that is used for working up quotes on
jobs. There are up to 10 sheets that could be used for a quote. Not
every sheet is used on every quote so I would like my workbook to only
print the sheets that have data entered into them. For example, a
quote for a job may include fabricated items and labor to install but
nothing on heating and air appliances. I would only want three sheets
printed the summary, the fabrication and the labor sheets.

Is there a way to do this without printing the entire workbook?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Adanalie Garcia     Answered On: Nov 22

Certainly you can write code to print  a worksheet. If you put it in a loop
and work through your sheets, you can determine if they need to be printed
and print them.

To stop your code being to complex, you'll need to have a cell in each
worksheet (in the same position in each worksheet) that gives a simple
print/don't print switch. If each sheet  has a print range set, you can put
this switch cell somewhere away from the print area.

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