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Hyperlink to Hidden Worksheet for Excel 2007 Dashboard

  Asked By: Edd    Date: Oct 28    Category: MS Office    Views: 768

Hello Experts

I am doing a Dashboard to monitor all my Excel schedules.

My Sheet 1, I named it "Menu". Maybe 30-40 files are hidden which needed a hyperlink. This "MENU" sheet should be the only one open since it is a dashboard

I use shapes and attach a macro on each to fire up main forms. I dont have problem with shapes because I use macro on it..sweet!

However, too much shapes and tons of macros are confusing. So for minor schedules I use hyperlinks.

My concern is the hyperlinks to hidden sheet...IT DOESN'T WORK... I even used the podcast of Mr. Jellen on Youtube and it still doesn't work! I pasted Mr. Jellen's codes to the VBA (ALT F11), double clicking sheet 1(Menu), then on the top selecting Worksheet. And it still doesn't work.

Here is the code that doesn't fire up (please ignore the " ' "...I just remarked in on the VBA window since it doesn't work):

'Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
' LinkTo = Target.SubAddress
' WhereBang = InStr(1, LinkTo, "!")
' If WhereBang > 0 Then
' MySheet = Left(LinkTo, WhereBang - 1)
'Worksheets(MySheet).Visible = True
'MyAddr = Mid(LinkTo, WhereBang + 1)
'End If

'End Sub

Is there a tweak that you can do to help me?

Here is the png link to my dashboard. I encircled with blue/red the hidden files that should fire up when these hyperlinks are clicked.




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