I am currently working on a high priority project
for my IT Division's CIO.
The project is an Executive Dashboard (sheet1), with associated
"Project Status quad chart" worksheets (sheet2, sheet3, etc.).
I designed it so that he only will only need to view the Executive
Dashboard to get a quick status of all the projects underway in our IT
Division. Each PM has her/his own worksheet to update weekly. In
these worksheets, they update their status for four different elements
of the project: Cost (cell C1), Schedule (cell D1), Issues (Cell E1)
and Customer Temperature (Cell F1). The goal is to automatically
populate the changed images (simple oval images that can have their
colors changed by the PM) to their associated Cells on the dashboard
worksheet. The problem is that my attempts to script a VBA module to
make this happen, even using macros to see the code lines, end up with
an endless loop occurring. I feel I may be going about this in the
wrong way, and I desparately need your help.
What am I doing wrong? I am ready to instructed in the "right way"
:-) I would put in the code I used, but I'm afraid it is a hodgepodge
and it doesn't work anyway, so I've left it out.
Thank you all for any advice you have to offer.