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Older hardware

  Date: Dec 24    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 363

I was told, by a knowledgable person but with his own ax to grind, that Ubuntu
wouldn't run well on my middle-aged computer -- It's about 6 years old with a
newer (and hotter) video card. I'll probably try it out anyway, at least as a
dual boot but I would be interested to know if older hardware does tend to be a



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 24    

I have yet to try it out myself, but have heard that there are some good
versions out there for older hardware, namely Xubuntu and Puppy I think they

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 24    

I have Ubuntu 8.04 installed on a 2001 Micron PC with a 1GHz Athlon and
256Mb of RAM. It's not the fastest machine around by a long shot, but
it is very usable.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 24    

Im not sure what middle aged is for a pc, but I have it installed on a 2000
compaq and it worked fine. A little slow but ok.

Also, you might check the date on your system as its posting 01-01-1999. Those
posts get thrown to the bulk and spam mail.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 24    

My coputetr is almost 6 years old and I have no trouble running ubuntu. What
you have to watch is the memory.It takes about 390 mb to load the cd. It loads
slow but runs good after its loaded. I think they recomend 512. Cant say that
you wont have any trouble but mine works fine. It regonizes all my hardwae off
the bat.

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