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Old Machine

  Date: Jan 10    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 352

I have an old machine that I want to bring back to life.

ASUS T2P4 512
32MB SIMM Memory
2.1 GB EIDe HD

Does anyone know if I can install Ubuntu on this configuration?



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 10    

I tried that with a similar machine, p133 with 64 meg ram, it worked…sorta. Very very slow! I ended using a distro more suited for that environment. Dam small Linux and puppy Linux both do a great job. Dam small (DSL) has more features while puppy is faster both will install to hard drive (both are less than 50 meg) I am not sure if they will run on 32 meg though but certainly will on 64. maybe you can scare up an old stick of ram somewhere.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 10    

It certainly does help. That is very useful information.
I have Damn Small Linux and will install it rather than Ubuntu which I
will save in case I stumble over a more advanced machine in my ravels.

A friend will be coming by soon to install more ram in exchange for an
unused tape drive.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 10    

I put redhat 6.0 on a 486-dx 66 years ago with 64 meg of ram
and anything in console mood worked great. But, X windows worked, but
was really slow.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 10    

66 years ago? I guess that mean Red Hat is older than Windows :)

Seriously, have decided the P133 is a boat anchor (Gosh, I spent a
lot on in back in 1997).
I'm bidding on a
Dell Optiplex GX110 PIII 600 128MB
10GB CD-ROM Desktop with a Network card on eBay.

I figure I can run Ubuntu on that.
I've got Red Hat 5.0 but that's history, so I won't use it.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 10    

I need to proof read, DX2=66 meg,not 66 years ago. It was my
first machine to run linux on. Sept 1997. I am currently running Ubuntu
5.04, Fedora, Gentoo and win XP pro on this machine, each one on it's
own removable hard drive.

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