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Attachment greater than 10mb

  Asked By: Craig    Date: Apr 01    Category: Java    Views: 511

i have a acrobat file regarding notes on java , its size is of 10.6mb.
i have 2 send it 2 my fren and save in my file.
but badly yahoo and rediff have supposed 2 send an attachemnt of 10 mb
so how can i send it thru mail.pls help me



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Hooriya Khan     Answered On: Apr 01

Hey, make a RAR file/ZIP file  and send. The best way to do it is using

Answer #2    Answered By: Adalia Fischer     Answered On: Apr 01

use winzip or create a war file  of that its size  will be srunk. or u can use
gmail or 30gigs account who provide 400 mb attachment.

Answer #3    Answered By: Tracy Myers     Answered On: Apr 01

you can use afile splitter to split your file  into manageable pieces and later
on u can rejoin them using a batch file.JSplit isa good bet.

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