This is a story that has many people all abuzz. It has its roots in M$'s attempt
last year to force its will on ISO to get OOXML as an ISO standard document
type. This caused much division and dissension. M$ got its way then proceeded to
back ODF and not even to attempt to use the OOXML standard they pushed for. Now
it looks like they are using their muscle to try to take over ODF as their own.
Crazy but true. The whole fiasco caused many nationsw to question the validity
of ISO as a standards body and Norway has gone one step further and has
I post this as an information piece with big potential repercussions for us all
as ODF is the open source darling and OOXML is a disaster. If M$ can't back its
own standard because it is not a standard but they get control over ODF what are
we left with?