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Linux bigger than Apple?

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 550

I found this to be interesting. It should not be controversial since it makes no
judgements about anything being better. Steve Ballmer of Microsoft gives Linux
the edge over Apple as their competition. In fact if you look at the graph it
looks like Linux is on more desktops worldwide at least as far as Microsoft is

It is a good piece of information as it shows what their strategy will be. They
will be focusing on Linux and Windows pirates.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 12    

> osnews.com/.../Ballmer_Linux_Bigger_Competit\

Interesting too is Apple's reaction to this, from the link
on that page:


At least Microsoft recognizes the value of being free of
charge while the Apple rep notices only the US market and
can't figure how Apple could be rated lower than Linux in
terms of desktops -- neither company, of course, seems to
understand much about the other type of freedom.

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