I think we need to clarify some terminology here.
You say "link data". Do you mean you wish to ACCESS the data in the shared
or perhaps "copy" the data to your file?
Or are you trying to use lookup formulas, but cannot because the file location
Then there's:
"I have a routing(??) to get the workbook location"
Now, you DO realize that Excel expects the two workbooks to be OPEN, right?
Because if you're trying to "get the VB code to go to the file location", it's
not going to
What you do is use whatever means you have at your disposal to locate the full
of the file with the data. Use Workbook.open FULLNAMEofFILE to get the file
but the Workbooks() object uses just the filename.
so, you can use something like:
Workbooks.open filename:="C:\temp\BIGTIMEREPORT.xls"
then use
workbooks("LocalReport").worksheets("Sheet1").cells(1,1) =