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Keep Excel on top

  Asked By: Zobah    Date: Aug 18    Category: MS Office    Views: 6880

When running VBA programs in a workbook I need several other programs
to be open and displaying screens. My excel window is frequently
covered over partially by these screens as I work with them, and I
need to keep all of the Excel screen visible. Am unable to place
everything so that Excel has its own space.

Is there any way in VBA to make Excel stay on top?



8 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Nora Martin     Answered On: Aug 18

There are however a few alternatives.

One is... but from your description I don't think it would work  for you.. is
to openn multiple windows on your desktop so the applications are run but
you can still see the VBE window.

By far the best solution is to use multiple monitors. Put an extra video
card in and run the VBA in that while the "action" stuff goes on on the
other monitor.

This means putting an extra card in but that's no biggie.

Windows by default has support for a total of 9 extra monitors.

If you have an old monitor "hanging around" and more impotantly if you have
the desk space... apart from being cooooool... I wouls advise you to go the
extra monitor way. The minimum you gert is that you can do reeeeeeeeeal wide

Answer #2    Answered By: Kenny Moore     Answered On: Aug 18

just reread your mail and my answer isn't what you want I
think... apologies.

Answer #3    Answered By: Adalgisa Miller     Answered On: Aug 18

Forgive me, but let me begin by trying the obvious

1. If you minimize the Excel WB, and then restore it by clicking on the
menubar at the bottom of your screen, doesn't this place your WB "on

2. If that doesn't work, then possibly something along the lines
of the ZOrder property. This is used in VB-6 to move, say, one
picturebox in front of (on top  of) another. I did a quick Help search
for ZOrder in Excel and found nothing... maybe someone else knows the
parallel property -- and it needs to be suitable for the application
(ie, to bring the Excel WB window  to the front).

Answer #4    Answered By: Girja Garg     Answered On: Aug 18

Just saw your response....
No, clicking on the minimized window  doesn't do it. I have another
program open  that is "push-pinned" to remain on top. It has 3 windows,
and all must be visible  also. I've left a space  for the Excel window
where nothing touches it, but whenever I select any of the other
windows, such as an order ticket, the Excel window minimizes,
effectively disappearing.

Answer #5    Answered By: Tyler Thompson     Answered On: Aug 18

Therein might be your solution --- see if you can find out how they
are "push-pinning" (aka going "modal") their screens. Maybe they can
tell you how to include your Excel WB in their set of modal windows so
that your WB will get the same treatment.

BTW, I earlier used the wrong term. I suggested clicking the Excel WB
app button on the 'menubar' -- I should have said 'task bar' (the
thingy at the bottom of the screen). Apparently, pressing ALT+TAB will
do the same thing.

Answer #6    Answered By: Sage Anderson     Answered On: Aug 18

Just saw your response....
No, clicking on the minimized window  doesn't do it. I have another
program open  that is "push-pinned" to remain on top. It has 3 windows,
and all must be visible  also. I've left a space  for the Excel window
where nothing touches it, but whenever I select any of the other
windows, such as an order ticket, the Excel window minimizes,
effectively disappearing.

Answer #7    Answered By: Khadeeja Malik     Answered On: Aug 18

I don't see a way in VBA, but you might look at some utilities that
may do it:

Planetscott 1.0
Actual window  Manager
Absolute Way Tweak Window
SemTop! 2.0

I haven't tried them, let us know if you do!

Answer #8    Answered By: Shayan Anderson     Answered On: Aug 18

I downloaded three of the recommended utilities. One was a dead link.

The first, OnTop, is freeware, so naturally I tried that one first. It
does the job and if it continues to do the job real-time (I'll know on
Tuesday) won't bother with the other two, which are shareware.

OnTop is a simple, small executable with an companion dll. No
installation is necessary. I just put both in my utilities
subdirectory, and when I load OnTop it resides in the system tray. It
works by adding an option to the top  left button of Excel (where
Restore, Minimize, and Close are) that says Stay on Top.

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