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How do I install a Windows True Type Font ?

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 605

I have a MS Windows True Type Font (well actually I have several) and
I want to install it in Linux Ubuntu CE for use (eg with Open Office
programs etc). How do I proceed? I can view the TTF file okay with
GNOME Font Viewer, but I don't know what the process is to make it usable.

Can someone please provide some instructions on what I need to do to
use the TTF files.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

First you need to enable the extra repositories. This add must more flavor to
your Ubuntu. This link will tell you how. It is easy as making mac and cheese in
the micro wave.
The go into synaptic and search for fonts.
MS fonts is no no and MS does not like to play and share their toys. Come on
please. How in the hell to you copy right a font any ways? If you use open
office read here.
and here
and here

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