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Install - swap partition?

  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 600

I just installed 10.04 on a notebook (running under VirtualBox). The install
process is quite impressive! It is amazing that it automates everything. It
found and starting using my wireless connection automatically!

One question - I created two partitions, "/" and "/home". The install process
kind of suggested it would be a good idea to create a swap space. However, I
could not find how to or what to name it. The partition process had a drop list
and named others such as "/usr", "/tmp" but I saw nothing that looked like
"swap". I skipped the option this time but for future reference, how should this
be configured?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

Swap is not named. It is just swap. In the installation process you choose
or create a small partition that is no more than twice your RAM. You were
looking under mount points. You just need to choose use space and set the
format as swap. It takes care of the rest. If you have more than one tiny
unused space it can use both. On subsequent installations you will not have
to do this as it will automatically locate and set up swap.

It is good that you were impressed. Linux distros have made great strides in
making installation simple. Ubuntu is no exception and has one of the best
instlalers, IMO.

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