I have a form which is working, except i had a button on the form
that would open a file and read the first values in, having removed
this button, i want to have this happen the first time the form is
run, but im not sure what code runs on opening a form?
I have the 2 procedures below, but how do these get called?, do you
have to reference them elsewhere in the code (im guessing yes) or
does their name implicitly mean they get run on opening and closing
of the form???
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set xlwbook = xl.Workbooks.Open("d:\book1.xls")
Set xlsheet = xlwbook.Sheets.Item(1)
Myrow = 2
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set xlwbook = Nothing
Set xl = Nothing
End Sub
In a C like language you have the main procedure, is VBA the same in
having key procedure names that work like this?