I'm stuck on something that is probably basic for all of you--
because of a family crisis, I'm away from all of My reference
materials, and I haven't been able to find the answer online. I'm
new to working with Visual Basic, but have done some other kinds of
So, here's the situation:
I'm trying to write an Excel macro in Visual Basic (using Excel
2003 -- on Windows XP) and I can get it to work pretty well for
almost everything except:
The data is in mulitple columns/rows and has a rather high
duplicate entry problem . . . (the last sort after deleting
duplicates reduced the number of entry rows from 545 to 141). Then
the error checking that I was able to set up does a fine job of
doing the final sort, which has to be checked by a supervisor. That
means, of course, that I need to set up a simple way for them to
reinput the sort formulas. . . . so, I have been trying, without
success to write a macro which would count the rows and (the count
part I can do, no prob) and select and activate the relevant block
of cells to fill down the formula's again, so it updates the
formulas after a deletion.
I can get it to so everything except this: . . . to select the
block of relevant cells from a the variables that the count formulas
produce. So, I might need to have the macro select "E2:O141" and
do the fill down, or next set of data, might need to
select "E2:O145" or whatever, given the data that wasn't deleted
from the duplication sort. . . . I can activate "E2" and I can
activate "O141" (or whatever), but I can't seem to get the syntax
right to select that entire block from the other formula variables
(i.e. "E2:O141" in the example.
I appreciate anyone who can give me a hand on this . . . I know
I could do it in the other programing that I've done, but don't
think I've got it in Visual Basic.