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please help nested exception

  Asked By: Kenneth    Date: Apr 25    Category: Java    Views: 1125

we are using struts(older version) and mysql (older version).

we often come across nested exception due to which the server slows down
though the server has 4gb ram and mysql server has 1gb ram and
the variables of mysql are from my-huge.cnf the servers are going slow at
peak hours.

we have configured maxcount=250 in struts config.xml
and maxactive=8000 and mincount=1 in struts config.xml
max_connections in mysql=250
max_userconnections= 0;



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Nagina Mian     Answered On: Apr 25

We had the same problem on tomcat, our problem was java options.
Unexcepted Garbage Collection caused server  slow down.
Java Options: min and max memory allocation settings.
The maximum memory should be up to 80% of your computers RAM. For example, if you have 512MB of RAM then you should set the maximum memory to around 400MB. To change the memory specifications you need to add this code to the Java Options text area:
-Xms100m -Xmx400
for 1g of RAM (server) and 1g of RAM (Mysql)

maxcount=150maxactive=400 mincount=100

max_connections in mysql=500 was a stable point.

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