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Help in java program

  Asked By: Lorraine    Date: Mar 05    Category: Java    Views: 979

I am writing a program for my Java Class. I have the program
written, and it compiles and does just about everything I need it
two except for three things I don't understand. I have to determine
age at graduation, which may seem easy to most of you, but if you
look at my program, you will see it is somewhat complicated for
a "newbie". Second I have to put a exception catch block in for
number format exceptions. Third, I have to convert times to
milliseconds....I have worked on this all week, and my back is
against the wall for a deadline. We have no tutors, nor a professor
that understands what she is teaching. So I have no help! I would be
most greatful if one of you guys could help me!



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Rosalie Holmes     Answered On: Mar 05

You have required function in the Java itself.
you can use date function.
Perhaps date is returned in the millisecond in some fu
nction w.e.f 1970.
you can divide/multiply it and can get the result.

Answer #2    Answered By: Zachary Larson     Answered On: Mar 05

Your program  is similar to the following. Perhaps you can see how it works
and modify your code.
Unless you put  the text of your code in your email, we can't see it either.
This has a

String s = "111";
int n = -1
n = Integer.parseInt(s);
}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){

If you are using the Date class  for your time,
Date myDate = new Date();
long timeInMilliseconds = myDate.getTime();

If you are using the Calendar class for your time,
Calendar myCalendar = Calendar .getInstance();
Date myDate = myCalendar .getTime();
long timeInMilliseconds = myDate.getTime();

/* AgeProcessor.java
* March 6, 2003

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Calendar;

public class AgeProcessor{

/* Retirement age is 65. */
private int retirementAge = 65;

/* Constructor. */
public AgeProcessor(){


/** Performs the following age calculations:
* How long it is until you retire assuming you are 30 now.
* How long it is until you retire.
* Given your year of bith, how old you are in years
* The combined ages of all of your family
* The average age of all your family members
* Uses console for user input and output.
public static void main(String[] args){

AgeProcessor processor = new AgeProcessor();

/* Output how long it is until you retire if your age is 30. */
int yearsToRetirement = processor.getYearsToMyRetirement(30);
processor.displayMessage("You have "
+ String.valueOf(yearsToRetirement)
+ " years until you retire if you are 30 years old.");

/* Output how long it is until you retire. */
int yearsToMyRetirement = processor.getYearsToMyRetirement();
processor.displayMessage("You have "
+ String.valueOf(yearsToMyRetirement)
+ " years until you retire.");

/* Given your year of bith, output how old you are in years. */
int yearOfBirth = processor.getYearOfBirth();
int monthOfBirth = processor.getMonthOfBirth();
int dayOfBirth = processor.getDayOfBirth();
int age = processor.getAge(yearOfBirth, monthOfBirth, dayOfBirth);
processor.displayMessage("You are "
+ String.valueOf(age)
+ " years old.");

/* Output combined ages of all of your family. */
int combinedFamilyAge = processor.getCombinedFamilyAge();
processor.displayMessage("The combined ages of all of your "
+ " family is "
+ String.valueOf(combinedFamilyAge)
+ ".");

/* Output average age of all your family members. */
int averageFamilyAge = processor.getAverageFamilyAge();
processor.displayMessage("The average age of all your "
+ " family members is "
+ String.valueOf(averageFamilyAge)
+ ".");

/** Calculates years to retirment based on the
* cuurent age input.
public int getYearsToMyRetirement(int currentAge){
return retirementAge - currentAge;

/** Calculates years to retirment based on the
* age determined by user input.
public int getYearsToMyRetirement(){
int n = -1;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter your age:");
return getYearsToMyRetirement(n);

/** Obtains year of birth from user user input.
public int getYearOfBirth(){
int n = -1;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter year of birth.");
return n;

/** Obtains month of birth from user user input.
public int getMonthOfBirth(){
int n = -1;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter month of birth: (1 = January 12 = December");
return n;
/** Obtains day of birth from user user input.
public int getDayOfBirth(){
int n = -1;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter day of month of birth:");
return n;

/** Calculates age based on todays date and the
* input year of birth.
public int getAge(int yearOfBirth, int monthOfBirth, int dayOfBirth){
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
int currentYear = now.get(Calendar.YEAR);
Calendar birth = Calendar.getInstance();
/* Months start at 0 in Calendar. */
birth.set(yearOfBirth, monthOfBirth -1, dayOfBirth);
int years = currentYear - yearOfBirth;
int age = years;
birth.roll(Calendar.YEAR, age);
if (birth.after(now)) age = age - 1;
return age;

/** Calculates the combined age of all family members
* based upon usewr input.
public int getCombinedFamilyAge(){
int n = -1;
int combinedAge = 0;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter the number of family members.");
int familyMembers = n;
for (int i = 0; i < familyMembers; i++){
n = -1;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter the age of family member: "
+ String.valueOf(i + 1) + ".");
combinedAge = combinedAge + n;
return combinedAge;

/** Calculates the average age of all family members
* based upon usewr input.
public int getAverageFamilyAge(){
int n = -1;
int combinedAge = 0;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter the number of family members.");
int familyMembers = n;
for (int i = 0; i < familyMembers; i++){
n = -1;
while (n == -1){
n = getInput("Enter the age of family member: "
+ String.valueOf(i + 1) + ".");
combinedAge = combinedAge + n;
int averageAge = 0;
if (familyMembers != 0) averageAge = combinedAge/familyMembers;
return averageAge;

/** Displays the input message on the console to
* prompt the user for input. Returns a line of
* text entered from the console.
private int getInput(String message){
int n = -1;
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String text = br.readLine();
n = toInt(text);
}catch(IOException ioe){
System.err.println("IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());
return n;

/** Converts a string to an int value. Returns -1 if
* conversion fails.
private int toInt(String s){
int n = -1;
n = Integer.parseInt(s);
}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
System.err.println("NumberFormatException: " +
return n;

/** Displays the input message to the console.
private void displayMessage(String message){

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