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how to call the Notepad Editor in my Java Program

  Asked By: Egidius    Date: Dec 07    Category: Java    Views: 1890

Does anyone know that how to call the Notepad Editor in my Java
Program. Basically, I have a output file in HTML formet and Now, I
would like to create a button and when user hit the button Notepad or
Visual Dev should pop up.
Right now I am looking in this link
java.sun.com/.../PropertyEditor.html .
This link talk about PropertyEditor function. So, can you please let
me know if that is the right approch to start it. I would be really



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Angel Watkins     Answered On: Dec 07

You may use the
the exec() method os the Runtime class then pass is the name of the
shell( system command ) something like:

Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("Notepad.exe");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine) != null)
{ /* do something with output  */ }
int returnValue = proc.waitFor();
catch (Exception e) // should probably be a bunch of catch
statements here...
{ /* do something with exception */ }

This is similar to System("Notepad.exe"); statement in C.
I have never actually compiled this code but think you got the idea.

Answer #2    Answered By: Burkett Bernard     Answered On: Dec 07

if u wants to open a note pad just follow it
Runtime, Process class of the java  gives such facility , after that write
where p is the object of class Process.

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