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Guest account

  Date: Nov 30    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 428

How can I make a guest account that will allow me to let my brother use my pc
occasionally without him having access to my documents???



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 30    

System > Administration > Users & Groups
Click unlock, enter password, Click Add User.

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 30    

While in there I accidenty deleted admin from the group now sudo command doesnt
accespt password and home has nothing either, i have just read on the net

"During the grub screen on startup press escape to get into the grub menu. From
there select 'recovery mode' and it will boot you into a CLI as root. From there
you should then be able to recreate your groups and add yourself back onto the
sudoers list."

in explanation of how to fix someone elses ubuntu issue I had but they dont
explain HOW to do that...

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 30    

Can I not just put the cd in and do some kind of repair job and recreate the
useraccount with all the information staying as it should be on my machine?

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 30    

I've fixed this now with the help of others on the linux list, I had to edit the
etc/group file and put a new line in for admin:x:119:home

Answer #5    Answered On: Nov 30    

The last several versions of Ubuntu have had a guest account. It is
accessed just switching to the guest account. The guest account has no
access to the hard drive.

Answer #6    Answered On: Nov 30    

I am guessing that you are using Ubuntu Linux. If so I can help you there.
Even though I am almost a newbie on Linux and Ubuntu I have figured that one

Go to System next to Applications, then Administration and then go down to Users
and Groups.

This page you unlock with your password and then you can add a user. Just like
yourname/home it will be hisname/home a different directory.

Now I have no idea if he can view your directory or not. I have never tried to
log in under user1 to see if I can see my home directory? But that is how you
add a user.

Now you can add your brother and see if you can view your directory from his? I
have to try that with my user1.

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