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Formatting SQL Crosstab Query to return the blank fields

  Asked By: Qadriyah    Date: Mar 13    Category: MS Office    Views: 894

I came up with this crosstab query which gives 8 days worth of data.However,
if my database has only 6 days worth of data and 2 days in between are blank,
this query just ignores those two days and displays only 6 days.
How can I change this to display blank fields?

sSQL = " TRANSFORM Count([Open Remedy PQR].[PQR Number]) AS [CountofPQR]" & _
" SELECT [Open Remedy PQR].[Report Category]," & _
" Count([Open Remedy PQR].[PQR Number]) AS [Total of PQR Number]" & _
" FROM [Open Remedy PQR] " & _
" WHERE ([Report Category] <> '[Not Reported]'" & _
" AND ([Create-date] >= DATEADD('d',-8,Date())))" & _
" GROUP BY [Report Category] " & _
" PIVOT Format([Create-date],'yyyy/mm/dd');"



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