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Floppy drive files

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 416

I have downloaded Ubuntu 7.01 and Installed it in a dual
boot system with it's own drive. It runs OK. I want to put a file that
I downloaded on a 3.5in floppy. The system will not let me do it. If I
right click on the drive and go to properties it says that the drive
is read only and I can not change it (the changes won't take) I tied
to go into the root and it won't do htat either. Any body got ideas?



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 04    

I haven't used floppies in a long time. In order to write to it, you probably
have to mount it after insertion, though.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 04    

I think your floppy is locked . Unlock it and then check.
If still your problem persist feel free to write.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 04    

OK guess I am dumb. How do I unlock it?

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 04    

take the floppy out of the drive and turn it over and look at
the back. You should see a little piece of plastic that can slide
back and forth. If you slide it one way it blocks the hole. If I
remember right that's when it's unlocked. I think with the hole open
it's locked. Like the tabs on a vhs or cassette but with the floppy
you don't break it out you slide it back and forth. on the front next
to that hole it should show something like a padlock lock showing on
lock and one unlocked. I haven't used a floppy in over three years so
I'm not sure.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 04    

OK now I get it. I have already done that. It is when I try to change the drive
from read only to write and read that I am in trouble. It wont let me do that.

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 04    

Floppy is not a reliable media . Try to convert your data on a cd.
There is noting wrong with ubuntu .

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