Re:"macro will notify the user to edit the data"
Relatively easily, see example code below.
Re:"how macro could extract the text in a colomn to 5 colomn"
As I think you want it; with difficulty. How will the computer know to
split the string between 'Kaugan' and 'PT', when if 'PT' was to be
included in the first split 'Mr Sangeta kaugan PT' is still only 20
characters? If this is done then the next string is NOT too long?!
I think Kaugan is the person's last name, but how will the computer
know this?
Anyway, I've begun to write some code to give you some ideas; it works
on the selected cell(s) and places strings in the 5 (or more) columns
to the right, trying to get as close to 25 characters in each cell as
it can, assuming the string is to be split using spaces as delimiter:
Sub blah()
For Each cll In Selection.Cells
p = Split(Application.Trim(cll), " ")
StringNo = 1
i = 0
myStr = ""
myStr = Application.Trim(myStr & " " & p(i))
i = i + 1
Loop Until i >= UBound(p) Or Len(Application.Trim( _
myStr & " " & p(i))) >= 25
If Len(myStr) < 26 Then
cll.Offset(, StringNo) = myStr
result = InputBox("You need to remove " & Len(myStr _
) - 25 & " characters. Do this now", _
"Needs trimming a bit", myStr)
If result <> "" Then myStr = result
Loop Until Len(myStr) < 26
cll.Offset(, StringNo) = myStr
End If
StringNo = StringNo + 1
Loop Until i >= UBound(p)
Next cll
End Sub