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Excel 2003 - Looking at jpgs on the web

  Asked By: Thomas    Date: Mar 18    Category: MS Office    Views: 743

This is really an MS ACCESS problem for me but I thought about it and
wondered if it could be done in Excel.

I have over 400 pictures of doggies on a web site. I would like to be able
to go through these on a user form but I don't want to have to download the
pictures... thus doubling up. I also want to try and keep the "application"
smallish without having 400 pictures embedded.

I have a whole bunch of information about each dog and would like to show a
formatted user form for each one including a picture.

Does anyone know of a way to just "look" at a picture on the web withouth
downloading it.

Assume access is not a problem... Which it isn't.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Cesara Fernandez     Answered On: Mar 18

I had one like that a while ago, but didn't use it because I found
other options for viewing pictures. I just added a few pictures to
it for testing.

May not be what you wanted, but perhaps something you could build

Here's the file - be sure to save it to your hard drive or the
macros will fail:

Answer #2    Answered By: Daimon Jones     Answered On: Mar 18

You're welcome. Hope that will help you somewhat.

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