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End of desktops

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 446

It seems to have become common widom that the age of desktops is past and
that the future now belongs to tablets and mobile devices. I wonder.

Today I visited two small businesses - here in a country town in an
undeveloped province in far away South Africa - and both were completely
reliant on their desktop computers for a whole range of their business
activities. Could they run their businesses on a tablet? (Well I suppose
they could, but would they for a moment want to?)

Before I retired to this corner of paradise, I worked for a major company
and was responsible (from a technical point of view) for the purchase of PCs
(desktops and notebooks). We bought over 2000 of those beasts every year.
Will tablets or mobiles ever replace a significant number of those devices?
In fact will they ever replace one of them? I doubt it. Of course, smaller
machines will find their niche alongside the PC throughout the major
organizations, but I can't see them replacing anything. (Well, OK I admit
that is a very strong statement! There are a few employees who only use
their computers for email and calendaring and perhaps they could get away
using a smart phone. But there are not many of them).

Yes, I can see that the casual home user may move to tablets. In fact many
of them will. But the more serious home user - who wants to use the computer
as a word processor or as a photograph store or to maintain a database of
the birds seen in the garden or .... We are stuck with our desktop machines.
And I wouldn't want it any other way, and am not scared that my desktop is
suddenly going to become redundant.

Come to think of it though, wouldn't it be nice to have a nice tablet to
take with me when I travel ...



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

Interesting perspective.

As the director of IT for an investment company, I'm actively working towards a
time when all of our trading operations can be conducted from anywhere with
nothing more than a browser. Whether that browser is on a mobile, or tablet, or
PC shouldn't matter. It's all about tailoring the applications to the
technology that will best allow you (or your employees) to work the most
effectively. If I can get our environment to a point where our traders don't
need to be glued to a desk, they'll be able to meet more effectively with people
in the rest of the company which will allow the rest of us to leverage (verbing
weirds language) their experience and expertise.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

surely going up that route will be a nightmare for the security aspect of your

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 05    

This is the route many financial companies are testing/going to. If I can
get ahold
of a decent tablet - I would much rather create an app that works with me
do it on paper and come back later an input into a pc.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 05    

I don't see why it should be. Making sure of security is a key part of
application and infrastructure development.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 05    

Security on the standard wi fi and blackberry mobile systems appears to
pose a major difficulty that the laptop and desktop seem to have got to
grips with at least.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 05    

if people are walking around with company tablets linked to work security is a
problem its what happens when the tablets get stolen not if but when they are
stolen what then.
people lose stuff you cant lose a desktop but you can lose a phone , tablet .

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 05    

You mean like the missing iphone 5 and the iphone 4 that went missing before
that? You make a good point, but files could be encrypted and backed up to
the cloud. You are still out the device plus the inconvenience. There are
trade offs. It is hard to tuck a desktop computer into your briefcase let
alone put it in your pocket.
I think the marketplace will determine this. The momentum is with portable
devices and away from desktops, but I think desktops still have their place
and a large following. The problem will be to get a cheap one I fear as the
market shrinks and parts become scarce.

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