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Odd's & Ends

  Date: Jan 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 619

First I wish to express deep thanks to the persons who gave such great
detailed steps to get my sound working on this Gateway Notebook. Works
great now. A heap of props out to you all.

Using Edgy Eft every thing works great just a few Odd's and Ends to
ask the group about.

Frirst a little background.
I was a heavy SuSE (Suse) some disagree on the spelling.
user for years and YaSt was the tool of choice for everything. I
started using Ubuntu last year but not heavy. Being in the repair
business most of ym work is Windows. But with the release of Vista the
Linux market is looking better. I left SuSE because MS got in bed with
them. I am now selling custom system with Ubuntu Edgy Eft as my system
of choice so I thought I better learn everything there is to learn.

So I got a few little things that I can't seem to find in Edgy Eft.

1) I cannot sem to get my printers online. I have one set up as
Network printer with IP address that is a Samsung ML 2151. I have the
driver and of course got the IP address in and set up as Cups but it
can't print to it.

the second printer is a local printer that is a Lexmark which is not
in the list.

2) My traceroute is not working???

3) In Places I do not have the Network option to browse to other
computes (it should be there) And I can't seem to find the Network
setup tool.

4) In SuSe every desktop (workplace) could have diffrent backgrounds,
screensavers etc. I have the 4 workplaces in the bottom right but they
all have the same settings, wehre do I tell it to chose diffrent
setting for each workplace, If I change one they all change.

Thanks guys. I noticed that someone asked about server/client
relationship. I have worked with Server 2003 and set up server/clients
so I downloaded Ubuntu Server and am going to build a server and set
it up here in the shop so I can see how to do it to mhelp those that
want to do that.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 08    

I use to use it too, but it seemed to be a pain in the YAST some times to add
repos. However the hardware detection is just awesome. Any hoo. Ubuntu wiki
should be your best friend. For printing


Networking, please go into further detail on that.

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