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E-book for VBA using VB.NET

  Asked By: Lloyd    Date: Aug 23    Category: MS Office    Views: 1334

Can any one tell where i can find good e-books for VBA for VB.NET not for VB?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Gus Jones     Answered On: Aug 23

I have bought two books recently and both have merit (different
authors, different approaches)

Excel VBA Programming for Dummies

Excel 2002 VBA - Programmers Reference

UNFORTUNATELY, for me, I did a little programming about 20 years ago
in dBase. The problem with that is that I keep trying to relate
everything to that experience. Well, programming has changed
tremendously in that time so even the terminology has changed. Excel
VBA for Dummies did a nice job explaining the basic structure of the
language. It wasn't as deep as I would have liked (in retrospect) but
it did finally set me on the right path (away from dBase....*smile*).
I bought the Excel 2002 as a command/object reference. I've only used
it a bit but so far so good.

What is your experience? Let us know; maybe there is something
further that can be offered.

BTW, I bought the 'dummies' book on my own but this group recommended
the 2002 book. You are in the right place!

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