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double manipulation

  Asked By: Daryl    Date: Apr 12    Category: Java    Views: 847

Does any body know how to convert a double so that it will have only
two decimals? For example if I enter 40.0 I wanted it to return me
40.00; if I enter 40.3245234234 I wanted to return me 40.32. If any
one know how manipulate this, please let me know



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Josephine Gomez     Answered On: Apr 12

Look in the package java.text, I believe it is called
NumberFormatter. You would basically pass it the
format string of "0.00", zeros tell the formatter to
put a number in this spot unconditionally.

Answer #2    Answered By: Aadi Martin     Answered On: Apr 12

I think it was DecimalFormat..............

Answer #3    Answered By: Jawwad Akram     Answered On: Apr 12

Thanks, I was trying to recall it from memory and I
knew I probably had the name of the class wrong but
the package was right.

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