I'm writing an app in VB6 (yeah, not VBA, but close !!)
and need to manipulate cell characteristics.
What I've figured out so far:
1. Place a value in a cell.
With WS
-- v1 = "hello world"
-- rr = 1
-- cc = 3
-- .Cells(rr, cc).Value = v1
End With
2. FontBold
With WS
-- .Range("G3").Font.Bold = True
End With
3. Merge
With WS
-- .Range("C3","D3").Merge
End With
Here's what I'm having trouble figuring out what to do:
4. cell backcolor (I know RGB(), just can't find "root")
5. cell alignment (center, left, right, etc)
I can't seem to find the proper "root" property to
expose these sub-properties in the tooltip box once I
type the "." (the dot reference) while I'm coding.
I'm used to MSHFlexGrid jargon, and the real deal, Excel,
is somewhat different. Any ideas?