Here are 2 possible solutions. Please note that
rounder1() truncates the double to the given
precision, whereas rouinder2() rounds it up or down.
public class RoundIt{
public string rounder1(double d, double precision) {
String str = d+"";
int point = str.indexOf(".");
return str;
public double rounder2(double d, double precision) {
double d2= d*Math.pow(10,precision);
d2 = Math.rint(d2);
d2 /=Math.pow(10,precision);
return d2;
public static void main(String arg[]) {
RoundIt ri = new RoundIt();
double d1=7.123456789;
System.out.println(d1 +" " + ri.rounder1(d1, 2));
System.out.println(d1 +" " + ri.rounder2(d1, 3));