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Connection problem

  Asked By: Donna    Date: Apr 07    Category: Java    Views: 580

i have a problem in writing to a file on URL.
I can read from this URL but i con not write to it.
i know that to write to URL you should be the owner of
the site which mean you should log in. But i did not
find a method to connect to the URL in which i can
pass the user name and the password as parameter.
i connect to the URL without a username and password
and i write to it but nothing change, what is strange
that the it did not return any exception the program
excutes and finished but nothing change!!
So if any one know a method through which i can pass
the username and the password to the URL please let me



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ana Bradley     Answered On: Apr 07

I am not sure that even by passing the username and password  you will
be able to write  to that file. But the format of the URL should be :

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