I have problem to call Stored Procedure in Hiberbnate.(the stored procedure define in oracle9i).
I write a stored procedure named "CONCAT_STR" that get two string as parameter and concat them and return the string.
Now I write as following statement in hbm file:
<sql-query name="callStore" callable="ture">
<return alias="callST" class="com.Store"/>
{ ? = call CONCAT_STR( :fName , :lName ) }
Store Class already define for hibernate.
I Call this query as following statement:
Query query = inernateSession.getNameQuery( "callStore" );
query.setString( "fName" , "Alireza");
query.setString( "lName" , "Sahlolbey");
List list = query.list();
After run this I get following Error:
Hibernate : { ? = call CONCATR_STR( ? , ? )}
PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
ORA-06550: Line 1 , column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored