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Apache Tomcat 6 Question

  Asked By: Cory    Date: May 14    Category: Java    Views: 732

I have a question about Apache Tomcat 6. Well, I downloaded this server
and configured it in my computer. I installed JDK, SDK and I also set
up all neccessary and optional environment variables such as PATH,
CLASSPATH, CATALINA and ... I also try both zip format and exe format
of Tomcat.

My problem is that when I type http://localhos/ in my browser I see the
page can not be found message. (I change the port from 8080 to 80 -
with the 8080 port I did not success). I do not know where I am doing
However, I installed netbeans and surely I can write jsp or servlet
pages and see the results, but with netbeans's tomcat.

How can I properly configure tomcat?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Kanchan Ap     Answered On: May 14

You try using http://localhost:80/ then you will get the tomcat  page remaining all configurations are correct .
Set the environment  variables as PATH , JAVA_HOME,CLASSPATH and CATALINAHOME.

Answer #2    Answered By: Haya Yoshida     Answered On: May 14

first off, is this what you type  in browser  or it's just a type? http://localhos/ localhost is correct

are you sure, you have changed the port  from 8080 to 80 correctly? if yes, when you give the above address with no context path, Tomcat will display you default page from default context, the defualt context is ROOT, go to <Tomcat_Iinstalled_Directory>/webapps/ROOT to see whether this directory is exists or not, if you found  no folder with name ROOT so Tomcat is right, because there is no page to display

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