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apache james

  Asked By: Sean    Date: Sep 23    Category: Java    Views: 1230

i download apache james and i want to start an email server. i read
the readme file, but i don't know what should i do for step2:(my os
is windows xp 2003)
"Step 2: start phoenix.
M$ users should just run /bin/run.bat. Unix users will find run.sh
under the same folder - you may need to chmod +x run.sh and chmod +x
A JVM must be in the path.
Phoenix will unpack the james.sar into apps/james. Note that port
1111 must be available for Phoenix to run (used by RMI server).
Most UNIX systems require superuser privileges to open sockets below
1024, which includes the IANA-standard SMTP (on port 25), POP3 (on
port 110),IMAP (port ) and NNTP (port ). You will get an error
with 'org.apache.avalon.phoenix.containerkit.lifecycle.LifecycleExcep
Component named "xxx" failed to pass through the Starting stage.
(Reason: java.net.
Permission denied).'
or something similar if you have not got the right privileges.
If you have the right privileges, you should see
'Phoenix 4.2
James Mail Server 2.3.0
Remote Manager Service started plain: 4555
POP3 Service started plain:110
SMTP Service started plain:25
NNTP Service started plain:119
FetchMail Disabled'

Congratulations! You have James up and running."

my questions is: for being a jvm in the path, where should i put my
james files? what should i do to Phoenix unpack the james.sar into
apps/james? what should i do for opening the ports?
thanks very much!



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