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Program to Describe The Functionality of the Relative File

Posted By: Ava Campbell     Category: Cobol     Views: 1303

Write a Program to Describe The Functionality of the Relative File.

Code for Program to Describe The Functionality of the Relative File in Cobol

       identification division.
       program-id. testing.

       environment division.
       input-output section.
          select emp assign to disk
               organization is relative
               access mode is random
               relative key is empno.

       data division.
       file section.
       fd emp
          value of file-id is"emp.txt".
          01 emp-rec.
               05 empname pic x(10).
               05 empaddr pic x(10).
               05 empphne pic 9(8).

       working-storage section.
          01 empno pic 9(3).
          01 emp-rec1.
               05 empname1 pic x(10).
               05 empaddr1 pic x(10).
               05 empphne1 pic 9(8).

       procedure division.
          open i-o emp.
          display "Enter EmpNo.: " with no advancing.
          accept empno.
          display "Name: " with no advancing.
          accept empname1.
          display "Address: " with no advancing.
          accept empaddr1.
          display "Phone no: " with no advancing.
          accept empphne1.
          write emp-rec from emp-rec1 invalid key perform para2.

          close emp.

          open input emp.
               display "Enter the number: " with no advancing.
               accept empno.
               read emp.
               display emp-rec.
          close emp.
          stop run.

          display " Invalid Key . . .".

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Ava Campbell
Ava Campbell author of Program to Describe The Functionality of the Relative File is from Toronto, Canada.
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