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Create an interface coversions. Which have the following functions Inchestomillimeters(), hptowatts(),wattstohp(),poundstogram(),gramtopounds()

Posted By: Daniel Evans     Category: Java     Views: 4592

Create an interface coversions. Which have the following functions Inchestomillimeters(), hptowatts(),wattstohp(),poundstogram(),gramtopounds(). Create one class which implements the above functions.

Code for Create an interface coversions. Which have the following functions Inchestomillimeters(), hptowatts(),wattstohp(),poundstogram(),gramtopounds() in Java

interface Convert_Measures
   double inchestomm(double inches);
   double hptowatts(double hp);
   double wattstohp(double watts);
   double poundstogm(double pounds);
   double gmtopounds(double gm);

class Cnvrt_Msrs implements Convert_Measures
   publicdouble inchestomm(double inches)
       double mm;
       mm = 2.5 * 10 * inches;
       System.out.println("There are " + mm + " mm in " + inches + " inches");
       return mm;

   publicdouble hptowatts(double hp)
       double watts;
       watts = 746 * hp;
       System.out.println("There are " + watts + " watts in " + hp + " hp");
       return watts;

   publicdouble wattstohp(double watts)
       double hp;
       hp = (1/746) * watts;
       System.out.println("There are " + hp + " hp in " + watts + " watts");
       return hp;

   publicdouble poundstogm(double pounds)
       double gm;
       gm = 453.59 * pounds;
       System.out.println("There are " + gm + " gm in " + pounds + " pounds");
       return gm;

   publicdouble gmtopounds(double gm)
       double pounds;
       pounds = (1/453.59) * gm;
       System.out.println("There are " + pounds + " pounds in " + gm + " gm");
       return pounds;

class Conversions
   publicstaticvoid main(String args[])
       Cnvrt_Msrs CM = new Cnvrt_Msrs();
       double mm;
       double pounds;
       double watts;
       mm = CM.inchestomm(2);
       pounds = CM.gmtopounds(4.3);
       watts = CM.hptowatts(3);


There are 50.0 mm in 2.0 inches
There are 0.00947992680614652 pounds in 4.3 gm
There are 2238.0 watts in 3.0 hp


Daniel Evans
Daniel Evans author of Create an interface coversions. Which have the following functions Inchestomillimeters(), hptowatts(),wattstohp(),poundstogram(),gramtopounds() is from London, United Kingdom.
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