I also don't see anything wrong with stuff like Unity as long as I don't have to
use it and it doesn't mess up the computer. If others want it, that's fine with
I've looked at the Gimp - it isn't bad, but I learned Photoshop in version 3 and
still will do things that way rather than the newer methods. Which is also why
I'm not upgrading. There's simply too much new stuff to learn which I am still
working on. I also shoot Raw and PS and Lightroom are easier to manage. They are
on a separate XP hard drive, so all I have to do is boot into XP. No partitions,
Wine or anything else.
There is nothing quite comparable to Illustrator. Inkster isn't bad, but it
isn't as much of a jack of all trades as Illustrator is. I've done vector
graphics, page layout, pdf editing with Illustrator.
Eset's NOD32 is working. They finally put out a version for Ubuntu and the local
distributors helped me get it started. I can now download files for my 2 offline
XP computers.
Some software simply does not run on Linux. I machine embroider, and until
recently the programs (which are expensive) were only written for windows. If
windows changed the OS - they had problems. Some of the programs also have
trouble with security. The easiest thing to do is get an older computer with XP,
and keep it offline. Then you don't have to worry about driveby downloads or a
hijack. So you download embroidery files you have purchased, or an update to the
software and transfer via USB. So far, haven't seen any type of malware with
these sites as they are small potatoes. But I'd rather be safe.
Since a lot of the stuff that is pestering for an update seems to be in the
software repository, I suppose I can delete it and add it back if I want it.
Thanks for the info about security and older versions.